couple thoughts for you to consider ...
1) simply unplug the shore power, and check the panel voltage after that ... if it changes, and is now in the 12VDC range, I agree with earlier post, it suggests your converter/charger is on the fritz. If it does not change, perhaps the panel voltage reading itself is not an accurate value, you can cross check with any portable DVM to confirm accuracy of the panel reading. Agree with earlier post, measure it right at the battery and see what voltage reading you get there, them move elsewhere in further debugging.
2) you mention the battery disconnect ... if this is the factory panel mounted battery disconnect button, that actually operates a high amperage relay to feed (or remove) the battery power into the vast majority of the trailer, that relay itself will always have access to battery power, but even in the disconnected mode, the battery is electrically coupled and some additional items still get battery power (like the LP detector).
3) If you have a separate mechanical battery disconnect in your trailer, and it is immediately at the battery terminal, that likely will completely remove the battery from the trailer power path, and the converter/charger will not "see" a battery in the system, and that might change your voltage readings.
Hope that helps you