Originally Posted by Libo
Is anybody running a portable air conditioner with their Honda 2000. We are thinking of getting a portable AC to run in our bedroom when dry-camping. Any suggestions?? Thanks.
If you mean a portable on wheels that has an exhaust duct that you put out a window, I would not recommend one. The vast majority of then use only one tube for the exhaust air. That means you are constantly exhausting the cool air from the rig, and sucking in hot outside air all over through all the cracks and leaks that are in any AS. It becomes self defeating and much of the limited cooling capacity is lost in the process.
A few of them have two tubes, one intake, one exhaust. Those do not have the problem I talk about above as the use the outside air directly to cool the AC unit and do not try to pull it through the rig.
So, only consider one if it uses two tubes, one intake, one exhaust.