74 Ambassador Mid-Twin (Rear Bath)
I've got an intermittent electric hitch jack (brand, model ?) that may or may not have packed-it-in this weekend. Naturally, when it stopped working halfway through operation, and being a curious and quasi-resourceful fellow, I set off to find the fuse box /
12V panel when something like that happens.
Instead of a Univolt, I find a Magnatek 3200 tucked into the rear wall of the rear closet where the Univolt would have lived. Inside the [Magnatek] access panel are a series of (what appear to be) intact blade fuses.
So... is there, in a 74 Ambassador, a separate fuse panel somewhere else in the vehicle? I looked behind the gaucho, which is on the front wall (side credenza layout) and only found the 7-way receptacle wiring access.
Before dropping two or three bills on a new electric jack, I'm curious to see if I've missed a fuse. Also, there is but one wire going into the motor housing itself and it looks old. In theory, is that the hot and the common is the metal body / trailer chassis? I would love to meter it, but suspect there is no power there as I saw no spark when I inadvertantly touched the frame with the newly stripped wire.
Thanks for any advice / direction!