Dometic Fridge
Hello Everyone,
Some back story. Plugged the trailer into 240V by accident last month.
I replaced the converter with a Parallax RU55. Had quite a time getting the old one out. The little hex screws must have been torqued in by a gorilla. Striped one so bad I needed vice grips to get it out.
Seems to be working perfectly. Though the front plate doesn't line up quite perfectly. Will be getting back in touch with Parallax.
Anyway, the new issue is that I am pretty sure that I blew out the refrigerator control board. Luckily, that is the only thing that seems to not be working.
I am trying to find a replacement, but am unable to find the anyone offering the actual control board with the same number. Does it have to be the exact match?
Anyone have the same problem?