Ever have one of those "duh" moments? Well, I had one today when I ran across these wiring diagrams for my 1972 Overlander. For any and all who may be needing this, I've scanned them and have attached them. The first one is the wiring of the Univolt and the other is the wiring of the trailer hook up plug (to the tow vehicle) and the other is the tow vehicle.
Now maybe with this info, I'll be able to figure out my own wiring problem!
Hey there! Would you post some pictures of your univolt and battery as they are hooked up. I am strugling with my "new" 1972 overlander and getting everything electrical running smoothly. I have read quite a bit of information and at this point I just need to see a picture of them hooked up. Any tips you may have for me would also be greatly appreciated.
Problems are:
lights inoperable even when hooked up to city power
battery won't charge
refridgerator inoperable
water heater inoperable
The strange thing also is that I have power to my outlets so those must be wired to bypass the univolt system. I would really hate to pull everything apart for a simple fix. THanks a lot.
Jesse, I had the same challenges as you. I just pulled the Univolt. I'm sure you have read the same thing, but the new technology, and the ease of swapping it out is worth it. I do have a couple install questions but I am hoping the experts here will set me straight. Oh and the weight difference is huge. There are not many reasons to keep the univolt.
Ever have one of those "duh" moments? Well, I had one today when I ran across these wiring diagrams for my 1972 Overlander. For any and all who may be needing this, I've scanned them and have attached them. The first one is the wiring of the Univolt and the other is the wiring of the trailer hook up plug (to the tow vehicle) and the other is the tow vehicle.
Now maybe with this info, I'll be able to figure out my own wiring problem!
What happens if u plug that 3 prong device into an outlet the one in back of the trailer
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