Congrats...did you get a 28 footer?
We also got an 8 track system, in good working order, along with a dozen or so Gospel tapes - there must have been some real 'wild' parties by our PO!
Back in 1977, we bought a new Class C 24ft MoHo - we had small kids, and the bunk beds on the model we got worked perfect, at the of the options was a cassette or 8-track - in our great wisdom of that era, we went with the 8-track, with all it's great promise for the future...

We've got 30 or 40 of those tapes in a box stored somewhere in our garage - got to find them some day! Just think, all those 8-track tapes we have could now be put onto one small CD, not much larger than a silver dollar - or only take up a tiny portion of a USB type chip drive! thing you know we'll all be able to 'fly' in one of those contraptions that look like an airstream, with wings and a tail...
I hooked up our XM Radio to the 'stereo' portion of the system for a more modern approach...
You can see some of the stuff we've done to our Ambassador on this thread:
Have fun with your new toy....