Just a quick thank you for the forums. The information here has saved me tons (both time and money) and I really appreciate the expertise and knowledge.
Just a quick thank you for the forums. The information here has saved me tons (both time and money) and I really appreciate the expertise and knowledge.
Alex Stewart
You and me both, Alex.
So, welcome to the forums, and maybe now that you've learned so much, you'll start to post about your Airstream adventures!?
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
Thanks Aage. I've been slowly restoring things (it's amazing how most of the parts are still available) and updating some of the plumbing and electrical systems. Trying to get some camping and boondocking in as well. I've been debating a blog online or just the journal in the TT (old fashioned but it always works).
I just had a look at the photos you posted of the exterior, and I have to say that your TT looks mighty fine on the outside!
Did you paint the bottom and A frame blue, or is that just a tint that your camera gave it?
And how about some interior shots now...?
Aage in Aurora
Aage, the PO painted the bottom and A frame and I am touching it up. He used Krylon Blue but I am replacing with Rustoleum Royal Blue (match for the trim on the AS). Still waiting on a couple of parts orders out of the states to finish the curtains and finish replacing the plastic inside pieces that are broken/brittle. I'll put up some interior pics in the next week.
Welcome Alex, You as well as many others have experienced the wealth of info provided here by old as well as new school owners. I to would like to thank all of you for the great info. Robert
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