Going to pick up my newly aquired 66 Tradewind this Friday! Sight unseen, so wish me luck. I'm confident and resourceful, but have been known to "Bite more than I can chew" looking for a medium scale restore. Hoping no real heavy lifting requuired. Will be my first...
Welcome and congratulations on your Tradewind! You'll find lots of help here to get you through your project. Get to know the search feature - lots of answers there. Good luck!
If either of you guys is interested we have a Florida Rally planned Jan. 5-7th at Topsail Hill to kick-off the '07 camping season. Check us out on the Rally calendar and thread that's getting lots of hits right now. You can find the thread @ http://www.airforums.com/forum...her-27292.html
2006 30' Safari - "Changes in Latitudes"
2008 F-250 Lariat Power Stroke Diesel Crew Cab SWB
Family of Disney Fanatics
WBCCI# 4821 https://streaminacrossamerica.com/
1958 22' Flying Cloud
1956 30' Sovereign of the Road
1963 16' Bambi
Southeastern Area
, Tennessee
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,116
Greetings, house! And congratulations. Even if you aren't ready to run with the Tradewind before the Florida rally in January, come on up anyway, Airstream or not. We would love to meet you.
We live in Miami and we are going to pick up our "new" 68 sovereign next Wed. My wife saw it briefly and I have only seen a few pics. We are hoping we don't have a big project. Good luck with yours! Phil
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