We are the proud new owners of a '75 Trade Wind "Land Yacht".
We have only had her for a few months and are getting ready for our first camping trip next week. My husband is a wonderful Jack-of-all-trades and we are working on some interior and exterior improvements. My User name is "Endcapgirl" because I have done some unique decorating on the front end-cap of our Airstream with black & white family photos. We are the 3rd owners of our Airstream.
Growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, my family and I went camping 6-10 times per year. I always looked forward to helping my Dad set up our "73" Prowler. We recorded all of our camping adventures and miles on the road in a log book which my Dad still has.
My husband and I are looking forward to starting new memories with our 3 kidz in our Airstream. We are going to spend a few nights in the camper here at our house before the trip next week and learn how "she works".
---Any suggestions for first camping trip with an Airstream would be greatly appreciated.
---I do need to know a list of things to take that all Airstream owners have on-hand in case of emergencies etc...
(We have learned a great deal by looking at the Threads.)
Soooooooo glad to be "on-board" with fellow Airstream owners and their abundant knowledge of these wonderful traveling works of art!