Originally Posted by nwXse
Hello all!
I say newbie but I've been lurking on here for over a year. Hopefully we are getting a 2008 Airstream Safari tomorrow. Any advice for someone who has never owned/towed an Airstream? Thank you!
If new to towing larger bumper pull trailers, like a Airstream, go slow.Stay 55 max in far right lane, on Interstate.
Theres a lot of reasons for that.#1 is it keeps vehicles off both your sides, until your skills improve.
Check your tire pressures on tow vehicle+ trailer pre trip and post trip.
Inflate tires to Max Cold pressure( when tires cold) on sidewall of tires.
Always chock your tires, before hooking/ unhooking trailer.Use the black rubber chocks, not little yellow plastic type chocks.Those are for tiny lawn trailers, with a lawn mower on them.
Load weight in bumper pull trailers in front of axle(s), not behind axles.Thats cause of dangerous trailer sway.
Keep the rig straight while braking.Swerving combination vehicles is dangerous.Thats reason #2 for keeping speed down.Watch far ahead, for traffic slowing or stopping.Brake early, not late panic braking.
Excessive speed is leading cause of wrecks.The posted speed limit may very well be excessive for a new combination vehicle driver.