we are new to the airstream community. we have looked at them for some time and have finally stepped up and joined the family. we are 15 year campers in a white box fifth wheel which we traded for a 2007 safari 27 se.
Part of the thought process in deciding on an airstream was the family of campers we would be joining.
rick and jackie ashton
Welcome. I couldn't sleep, so I guess I'm the first to welcome you to the family. I am a vintage Airstream/Argosy owner, but have seriously thought about getting something "new" someday. I hope you enjoy your trailer as much as I have enjoyed both of mine. They will keep you young.
Weclome aboard!
I am green with envy You are right, a trailer is for camping, an airstream comes with family. Of course considering the age and condition of my old rig that makes me a long lost cousin living in the basement...but hey, this is not a boring family
Congrats on your new rig and welcoe again to the best site on the web!
rob n terry
"There’s not much in life we can’t over-analyze”
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