Hi all,
I'm Brad and I'm an alumaholic. My wife, daughter, and I are presently camping in a not much loved '01 Dutchmen 29' TT. That said, about a year ago we decided to go the vintage route and look for something shiny and twinkylike. That said, what we fell in love with was a dull, dented, but twinkylike 1949 Spartan Royal Mansion 33'. (Please don't hate us 'cause were different)

I realize this is an Airstream forum but really we aren't that differen't on the outside. I've gleaned a lot of info from this and other Airstream related sites over the years since there isn't a plethora ( I just love that word) of info pertaining to Spartans. I have much riveting, polishing, etc. to do during our trailers complete rebuild/resto/update.
When young my parents bought a new '67 Globestar TT from our Cambridge, OH Airstream dealer, Frank Ricketts. (Name ring a bell with anyone?).Ma and Pa looked at Airstreams but for sleeping 2 adults and 4 boys the Globestar made a more efficient use of space as well as their funds. It was a well built unit and served us well on many long trips in the late '60's and '70's. Dad did his own trailer repairs, and Mr. Ricketts was always there with free advice and was very helpful. He always treated us boys well and showed us things about the RV's as well. He always treated us like any other "Airstreamer" even though I think we were one of only a couple non-Airstream sales he had made. I think he and my dad were bad influences contributing to my aluminitis condition.
My wife and I started out in '91 with a '65 Shasta which I repaired and we used it till our daughter hatched then we moved on to several other larger and newer trailers finally ending with the aforementioned Dutchmen. I've enjoyed working on all but this brand new unit which has been headache after headache. We like its layout and features but quality is in the toilet!
Thus with our love of old, well built trailers, and vintage RV's in general we decided to go backwards in time but forward in quality by doing it ourselves. I'm an industrial maintenance technician and really enjoy working on RVs so I'm looking forward to tearing into the Spartan. Once it's finished the Dutchmen will be sent down the pike.
I hope you all can find it in your hearts to at least pretend we're Airstream worthy. Sorry for a long post, but the banner asked for an intro so that's whatcha get.
Thanks, Brad