Well, we loved the 1999 34' Excella! We were able to go through it with the seller (original owner) as well as all their maintenance records - and we placed our down payment! We will pick it up this weekend! It is in immaculate condition inside and out. No "obvious" water leaks or damage and we looked for "hidden" areas and asked if they'd ever had any leaks, all appliances in proper working order, the seller was very up front about showing us everything that they had encountered (as far as repairs) and they were meticulus about it's upkeep and maintenance. They took it once a year to the Airstream factory in Ohio for a full "once over". They actually want to maintain contact with us after we take ownership! Very nice people and very willing to take the time to go through our questions and worries. Before we leave with it, they want to go over everything again just to make sure we are satisfied with our purchase! My husband crawled over, under and around the entire trailer to the delight of the seller! He said he'd never had anyone look it over to that extreme!
Of course, we had our checklists that were offered here and we thank everyone for taking the time to help make us "smarter"!
Boy, do we have a lot to learn, now! We have all of the original paperwork, pamphlets and brochures on this Airstream from it's original purchase in '99.
So much reading yet to do! But we are pleased and excited to start this new phase/adventure! Our older kids think we are crazy - our 14 year old wants to live in it full-time (I wonder if means live WITH us or by himself?

Thanks for the information and I look forward to posting as an owner in future!