Hello All, My name is George,

and I believe I am glad I found this forum. Hopefully I can get some information about a current problem, and also contribute where I can. My wife and I own a 1998 30' Airstream Land Yacht.
Bought it a couple of years ago, and go whenever we can. It has only 38k miles on it so it should go a long time. The only negative is the age of the unit has caused some window seal problems and that type of small issue.
Will attempt to find the correct forum for my problem but I will give a brief review here

. It is equipped with BIG FOOT leveling system. The right front unit pump assembly worked fine until a trip to Mass about two months ago, (live in PA). While on the highway heard a large metal sound, which caused me to look back to see if I had hit something, The road was clear, and the motorhome did not handle any different. To make a longer story shorter, the right wheel now contacts the pump assembly on right turns

. I have replaced the pump assembly, but the tire is still hitting it

. We just finished a local trip of about 60 miles and by the time we got home the cover is ripped off again, and of course the pump assembly no longer works. And we are still rubbing the tire on right turns.
Anyone out there have a similar issue in the past? and if you did what did it take to fix it.
Glad I am here, hope to talk to many of you.