hello everyone I am curtis from the florida panhandle.
I just aquired an airstream international land yacht #22908.
thanks for the info in your forums, i have found lots of useful information and will hopefully learn much more from you.
Welcome to forums from SW Colorado (near Mesa Verde National Park) Keep an eye out for rallies and be sure to attend one and get to know many of the forum members persoanlly.
You will have many years of fun in your AS.
Member Four Corners Unit/CAC
WBCCI # 10105
AIR # 28748
"Life is an adventure, Live it to its fullest in your A/S"
That number is for a previous member of WBCCI . U can leave that number if you so desire. Im not sure What WBCCI Will say but Its extremely hard get those numbers off. Mine still has the shadows. I have BLUE NUMBERS NOW. Contributing member to AirForums. The red numbers that are on your trailer can be applied for after a period of time. You will have to check with WBCCI.
But in the mean time attend some AirForums Rallys I think you will like it. ITs informal, casual and cost nothing. Its also the same people, only they dont talk CLUB. Just there for the fun.
Welcome to AirForums
Roger & MaryLou
7.3 liter Power Stroke Diesel
1977 27ft OVERLANDER
AIR # 22336 TAC- OH-7
May your roads be straight and smooth and may you always have a tailwind!
Vintage Kin Owner
Vintage Kin Owner
Vintage Kin Owner
Currently Looking...
, Tennessee
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 1,303
Hey Curtis...Welcome to the AS Forums. You'll find a wonderful group of people here. Is everything all right? Wondering about the heavy rains from the tropical storm blowing in over the weekend. It's a good time to check the Airstream for leaks...Hope all is well.
no leaks!!! lost power over here though.
a few windows need looked at though.
got to get it all washed up and gutted on the inside first.
the way you all talk I am going to have a blast restoring my AS.
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