Originally Posted by 3Ms75Argosy
Well... I'm not going to rain on your parade.. but knowing that you're facing unemployement, and a possible move.....
I say just deal with it for now, enjoy the trailer as is... get your finances and job situation settled first.
Is it bad, yeah, probably will need to do as Frank says. Can it wait? Sure, it's probably been like this for a few years.. rot doesn't happen overnight. Peak at it.. sure, but only if you want to do something with it now.. which it doesn't seem like you can.. or should.
Plenty of trailers have moved around as is.. or worse condition. You won't fall through the floor on your toilet... if you do, send pics! I think you'd be the first! I wouldn't worry about camping or traveling now. Just empty your tanks first (grey and black) prior to travel....
Drink some wine, smile, and know you'll have a fun project to do... in the FUTURE! Everything in due time...
Like I always say, if you don't get the answer you're looking for, just keep trying... So, this is an answer that I kinda like.... I've been up since 2:16 am worrying.
I will take a look at the underside this weekend so I know the frame situation. I might be able to get help from a laid-off welding instructor for repair (depending on what can be done without shell removal). But you are right: I don't have the resources to do a project repair right now. I can also try repair the bumper leak. Thankfully it's only exposed to rain when I am camping.
I have a tub of soft and hard furnishings that I've been *collecting* and was ready to dive into - new upholstry, drapes, flooring (lino), microwave, paint (again), towel bars, etc. If the trailer isn't going to fall apart on me, I'll start putting this stuff in the trailer and get it out of my *junk room*.
Thanks constructor for the idea about contacting Frank, et.al., about a temp patch. Will do after I take a peek.