I have wanted an airstream since I was a kid. Well I’m far, far removed from being a kid. I waited hoping prices would come down and finally gave up and paid up for a 2005 safari 25’. I also had to order a truck that wouldn’t be here until probably April.
I was thinking of the first things I wanted to do and the list was short. Add a backup camera and map out a lithium battery location.
This got me looking closer at the rear of the trailer. I found floor rot back by the bumper. I’m in it for the long haul at this point. I’m leaning toward a partial floor repair with the body on. I have a hot water heater, bed and shower at the back of the trailer to deal with. Any words of wisdom before I go off half cocked on this project? I would like to do this late February early March and want to get a plan together first. Thanks for any advice.
2009 25' FB International
2018 27' Globetrotter
, Florida
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 3,986
Congrats on getting your childhood dream fulfilled.
I had some floor issues on my first AS, a 2009 model. If you are patient and somewhat handy you will be surprised at what you can accomplish. Since everything in an AS was taken in thru the door everything can be taken out the same way. Remove everything till you get to the floor and then determine how bad the situation is.
In my case I didn't need to replace any plywood. But I did reseal the backend of the trailer where the water was coming in. I then replaced the floor covering in the entire trailer. I was very happy with the result.
2020 23' Flying Cloud
2019 22' Sport
, Florida
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 1,282
Congratulations on finding your Airstream!
Like any other abode, the one you end up with is never perfect. At least "location, location, location!" is not an issue. We have been very impressed by the campgrounds in Georgia, especially the state parks.
Do you have a covered work area? That seems to have made the project much easier for your fellow project Airstreamers.
Good luck!
-Don (That man in that tiny can)
(Same man, Bigger can)
Yes I have a place inside to work on it. I’m just trying to come up with a plan of attack for the job. I just want to be done when the truck shows up. My first new truck since 1996. Man have prices gone up!
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