Look at a product called polyall http://www.polyall.com/
I used it on spots on my floor and it worked great. If there is any material to bond to it will make it quite sound.
1963 19' Globetrotter
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, Illinois
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 715
I do a lot of wood restoration and for many years have used products from a company called Abatron. They have a product called LiquidWood , a two part epoxy product that would work very well for you. Ceck out their web site at Abatron.com.
These are professional grade products used in architectural restorations but the public can buy from them. Not cheap but the results are worth the price.
all good ideas. I used a wood hardening product from Minwax, and then I also put a coat of a bondo type substance on it. Seems to be pretty solid now. I had an area of behind the beltline leak that caused rot in about a 6 inch spot on each side.
After I fixed the leak, I am able to use my pressure washer on the trailer and see no water inside.
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