We are about to buy a 77 Excella rear bath and want to know about the frame and how would be know if we had frame that could sag? Is there a way to tell? This model has the couch on the left wall when entering so you walk in facing the kitched... any help would be appreciared?
All rear bath 31 footers from 77 have the 4 inch frame. If you are careful with them and do not travel on rough roads and have good axles, they can survive. If you are really going to put some miles on over unfamiliar roads I would be very careful. It should at least have the frame stiffener plates installed and the elephant ears fix to more firmly attach the shell to the frame. I think you can still have those fixes installed if the coach is in good condition now. I do not know how much they charge but I would think it would be less than $2000. You might need new axles for another $1500.
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