Originally Posted by blumob
Thanks, I'm going to do a little more looking now, If the flooring does go into the c-channel then how important is it to have the plywood face the other direction?
The front and rear curved sections of the floor can be replaced in one piece with the shell on. You will need to open the belly pan for access to the bottom of the bolts that go through the channel. Once everything is unbolted you can slightly lift the shell away from the frame and slip in the new floor sheet, then rebolt everything together. Make sure that when you are putting it back together the frame is level front to back and side to side. Block the frame in several spots. If you put it back together unleverl you will lock in that sag or twist.
There are 7 sheets of plywood for a 31 ft. two curved ones for front and back and 5 sheets for the straight ones along the sides.
The straight ones can be replaced as one piece but it will require flexing the shell outwards to get the full sheet into the double c channel. The other option is to cut the sheet into two pieces and insert each piece into the channel on each side of the shell. There will be a seam running front to back in the trailer which will be across the 4 ft side of the floor sheet. The seam should be placed over a main frame rail so one piece will be 4ft x6ft approx. and the other will be 4ft x 2ft approx.