In Georgia they did away with the yearly advolorum tax on vehicles several years ago. You pay a flat tax up front when you buy the vehicle. Then you only pay a yearly tag fee of $20 regardless of the age or value. That only applies to motor vehicles however and utility trailers. Boats and towable RV’s still have a yearly tax associated plus the tag fee. So for my 2021 25’ International, I pay about $700 per year. This gradually reduces each year as the trailer will depreciate because it’s based on value. This in addition to the state sales tax I paid when I bought it.
To me that’s the government double dipping. They say it’s a road tax but yet I can write off the interest on the loan because it qualifies as a second home because it has sleeping quarters and a bathroom.
2023 25' International
, North Carolina
Join Date: Aug 2022
Posts: 54
Even though I live in NC, I register in Maine. Cargo trailers are cheap, which is why you see so many semi trailers with ME plates but camper trailers pay excise (personal property) tax just like motor vehicles. It is based on MSRP. I anticipate about $3K my first year on my new International.
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