1977 Argosy 24
Currently Looking...
, Wisconsin
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1,091
serial number question
On most 70's AS on a pad above the normal long serial number like this one: I31-T8J-2225 there is a few letters and numbers like this: B-87 GH What do they mean? I know how to decode the long serial number but have seen nothing on decoding the numbers and letters on the pad above it. Thanks Brian
On most 70's AS on a pad above the normal long serial number like this one: I31-T8J-2225 there is a few letters and numbers like this: B-87 GH What do they mean? I know how to decode the long serial number but have seen nothing on decoding the numbers and letters on the pad above it. Thanks Brian
1977 Argosy 24
Currently Looking...
, Wisconsin
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 1,091
Thanks for the reply. But if they are important enough to be stamped on the data plate of every Airstream they must have some relevance. Back to my original question, what do they mean and how do you translate them?
Thanks for the reply. But if they are important enough to be stamped on the data plate of every Airstream they must have some relevance. Back to my original question, what do they mean and how do you translate them?
I doubt that even Airstream could answer your question.
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