I was wondering what the right etiquette was for posting about a "find" - sightings of trailers found for sale by an unknown 3rd party that seem interesting.
Classifieds doesn't seem right as it's not my trailer or even posting on behalf of a friend, as I have literally no idea who the seller is. On the other hand, I think someone might be interested in it here.
The reason I ask is that a friend just showed me some photos he took over the weekend of what I think is a1964 Globetrotter up in Bolinas, CA, for sale for $500. As you'd expect it's in terrible condition,there's no floor, but the frame & shell are there. Anyway, the only promotion it seems to have is a "For Sale" sign with a phone number. Well, here's a couple of photos, if someone's actually interested they can email me and I'll send you the pic with the phone number from the sign on it, although I must again stress that I have no idea who the seller is and I haven't laid eyes on this trailer in person:
Makes me feel a lot better about the condition of my '64 Overlander, that's for sure.