Never Mind...
I finally got the incantation correct (the right combination of 4 letter words) and the cover spun off. If I had tried holding underneath it with pliers and turning it by hand earlier, I would have saved myself some grief - as it was, the whole thing just spun. After the cover comes off, a screw driver removes the plunger and you can clean out the drain. Remember to note the way the rubber thingy (Professional Plumbing Terminology) went on if you are going to put it back in. I haven't figured yet why you would want to hold 4 inches of water in the shower base to start with??? Lowes or HD one had a little strainer that would fit down the opening that I think I am going to opt for.
Ralph & Margie Day
Lizzy the Borderline Collie
Old Hickory, TN
Between 'steams...