Scuffs on the Clearcote
my 1984 310 AS M/H is like a M/H that has been driven through a Pasture full of mesquite trees. Many scuffs and scratches on the sides that look unsightly. Well, I am not ready to have the Clearcote redone yet, but I would like to get rid of the scuffs. I reasoned that the Clearcote is like paint, only clear. To take care of scuffs on my cars I use Meguire's Scratch 2.0. As an experiment, I decided to try it on the M/H. Viola! Scuffs gone! No damage to clearcote and looks significantly improved. Maybe I can hold off on clearcote redo for a while longer. One big problem I need advice on: Grille and Bumper on the unit have bad salt water damage where PO went to FL and apparently did not wash off the salt water. Any dink in clearcote let the saltwater get to the aluminum, and now I am faced with salt etchings all over grille and bumper.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A Man has got know his limitations-Dirty Harry
That's Some Bad Hat Harry-Jaws 1978