You know, that's interesting. I look behind the bumper and see all of the coolers and fans, etc that are located in front of the radiator. It's no wonder its difficult to get good air flow. What did you make the air dam out of?
You know, that's interesting. I look behind the bumper and see all of the coolers and fans, etc that are located in front of the radiator. It's no wonder its difficult to get good air flow. What did you make the air dam out of?
Aluminum flashing and aluminum angle iron and pop rivets. The cooler has a thermostat controlled fan. It only switches on about the time I shut the engine off. I think the air dam helped the air flow through the radiator also.
Maybe I'll remember to take a closeup of the dam today.
Just figure out how to post pictures.
Our 1974 Argosy 20' Motorhome has an air scoop below the bumper and it came that way from the factory but our 1984 310 31' Motorhome does not have an air scoop. I always wondered why Airstream didin't use an air scoop on the later motorhomes.
I have no idea how well the one on the Argosy works as we have never drive it yet. Still need to put the engine back in .
I'll try and post a picture of the Argosy later today to give you an idea of how Airstream did it.
Air forums # 1674
1974 20' Argosy Motor Home
1975 24' Argosy Motor Home
1974 31' Excella trailer (parting out, as of 4/1/2015 I have wheels & windows left to sell)
So Brad, how is the engine install coming? My 310 does not have the scoop in front either, maybe its an air dam on the Argosy to help with air flow. Just a thought.
A Man has got know his limitations-Dirty Harry
That's Some Bad Hat Harry-Jaws 1978
So Brad, how is the engine install coming? My 310 does not have the scoop in front either, maybe its an air dam on the Argosy to help with air flow. Just a thought.
Zero progress. I won't be working on the Argosy to later this year. Way to many other projects in front of it.
I'll try and get some pictures of the lower front of the Argosy this week and post them.
Air forums # 1674
1974 20' Argosy Motor Home
1975 24' Argosy Motor Home
1974 31' Excella trailer (parting out, as of 4/1/2015 I have wheels & windows left to sell)
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