I am wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in a rally at
World Maker Faire 2012 in NYC from 9/28-10/1?
For those unfamiliar with Maker Faire, they are gatherings that have been described as part science fair, part Burning Man. There are two big ones in the US (the other is in the San Francisco area and there are mini faires everywhere). The NY Faire feature lots of arts and technology demonstrations, workshops, and interactive activities. It's very family friendly--for all ages. If you are interested and want to research the Maker Movement and Maker Faires, there's lots of online stuff about it. Also, tomorrow's (Sunday 2/12) episode of CNN's “The Next List” will profile it at 2 pm EST.
It seems that a lot of folk around the forums are makers of one sort or another--so I though it would be great to have a laid-back rally. Days can be spent at the Faire, but after-hours we could possibly tour NYC, have cook-outs and show off our own maker achievements! Heck, maybe we could also make stuff, too!
(Old badge, I know, but there'll be something newer soon)
The Faire will take place at the NY Hall of Science, in Queens, NY. From what I can see, the only nearby RV park is
Liberty Harbor in Jersey City. Sites there cost $80.25 for rather tight parking, but water/50w electric and convenient dump site. Friends who have stayed there tell me the staff definitely have NY attitudes, but that the place is all about location, location, location: mere minutes from Manhattan and convenience to the whole city.
If anyone has any other park suggestions let me know! If we have to stick with this, I think if I can get a gauge on how many folks might be interested, I might be able to negotiate some better rates.
Anyhow, there'd be nothing cooler than going to the Maker Faire and hanging out with the Airstream gang. Let me know if this is tempting!
(A few words of wisdom from the maker movement founder)