This rally thread will play out soon, but never fear, by early fall a new rally thread will spring forth if not sooner for the April Stone Mountain Park rally in 2013. Next years rally will be even better. Can't wait to see all the Airstream trailers lined up around the loop and close by.
John & Robin
99 27' Safari
AIR #34494
I agree about there is not a really good time for everybody. My yearly Okeefenokee swamp trip has not happened for the last several years because of School testing. Ralley's are a challenge also. April is the month of CRCT testing, my daughter and wifes birthday. Both like the family at home for birthdays. I just look at it as if it works in my schedule then good if not oh well. At least I was able to drive down and meet many of the campers at Stone Mountain. 1.5 years I retire and I will be free of a schedule so I can do what ever I want.
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