Hey folks,
For all the EU users of the forum, and for our US friends who might be in the area, here are the dates for the biennial European Airstream Gathering for 2013:
The main event will take place in Germany, near the German Airstream Dealer just to the North East of Frankfurt, over the weekend of 14th June 2013.
A group of UK Airstreamers will be leaving the UK on Saturday 8th June 2013 and heading to Belgium for the week - 3 days near Brussels and 3 days in the North Ardennes.
We are in the process of arranging a convoy to the main event from the Cologne/Bonn area on Friday 14th June.
Further details at the
ukairstreamers.org forum, or if you're serious about coming then drop me a PM.
ALL Airstreamers welcome, and if any US Airstreamer is planning on coming to Europe next year, you will of course be extra welcome!