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Old 06-04-2012, 12:36 PM   #1
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2nd annual tac canada rally

We all had so much fun at last years rally that it is going to happen again.
The dates are Wednesday August 8th to Sunday August 12th 2012.
The location is Amazing Rocky Park Campground in Durham Ontario.
Amazing Rocky Park Campground

This is a no fee rally just pay for your own site. TAC members recieve a 50% discount of the daily camping rate. The site cost for TAC members is $68.00 for the four nights plus HST tax of $8.84 = $76.84.
A pizza and soda lunch will be provided on Wednesday and all trailers in attendance will receive a free rally Tee shirt (remember to let me know what size you want when registering). Extra shirts will be available at an extra cost but please order them in advance to get the right size.
Open house will be on Friday followed by happy hour and a pot luck supper on Saturday (a group pavilion and outdoor area will be available).
I will be leading a few resoration discussions as time permits and will be focusing on polishing which for me seems to be a never ending adventure.
So come on out and enjoy yourselves and see my collection of A/S awating renovation and the fleet of vintage TV's too.
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:37 PM   #2
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It would have been neat to attend this rally - close to home, but alas, we are packing on the 9th to leave on the 10th for Eastern Ontario.
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Old 06-12-2012, 09:36 PM   #3
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Book direct with the campsite?
Steve; also known as Mr UK Toad

"You can't tow that with that!"
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Old 06-14-2012, 05:21 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MrUKToad View Post
Book direct with the campsite?
To quote Dave Hester from Storage Wars: YUUUUUP!!!
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Old 07-20-2012, 03:56 AM   #5
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Cancelled Rally

Today is the deadline for ordering the Tee shirts and since no one has expressed interest in attending and my so called friends don't want to attend I am cancelling the rally.
I guess I was the only one who had a good time last year.
So much for the fellowship of TAC.
I must have fallen out of favour with the leadership, well so be it. I will carry on with my life and business without the group.
This rally never was a money making venture for me anyway. Actually I lost money hosting it last year so I won't be losing any money again this year.
Goodbye TAC and goodbye Air Forums. I'm done with such a fickle group of people.
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:55 AM   #6
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Hello all, long time no post. I feel compelled to come back here one time to speak my mind.
Yesterday I received the TAC winter newsletter and was shocked to see that my campground has been deleted from the list of places offering a discount to TAC members.
I can only assume that the illustrious publisher in his infinite " wisdom" has chosen to drop me from the list. I was the person who started the idea and personally contacted the other campgrounds to arrange the discounts. Although I am no longer active of the forums or with TAC, I unlike others keep my word and TAC members are still entitled to the discount at my campground.
Some of you may know that due to financial restraints I stopped work on my trailer restorations and soon after I felt ostracized by the main members of the TAC group. It felt like as long as I was willing to part with thousands of dollars I was accepted when that stopped the friendship also stopped.
Recently I attended the TAC rally at Disney in Florida, well let me tell you it felt like it was held in Alaska from the frosty reception I received from the majority of the attendees. That and this recent event has just confirmed why I dropped out in the first place.
So to close I will not be active ever again on the forums or with TAC but like I said earlier will keep my word and still offer the discount to TAC members. For those of you who are still my friends I apologize for disappearing from here and not telling you why.
Good luck to all of you and happy camping.
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Old 12-08-2012, 12:40 PM   #7
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Chris... sorry to hear this.. sometimes just confirms what people think that Airstreamers are snobs. We will be looking forward to coming to your campground next summer. Could you please pm me with the info? Thanks. Have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your pics. Saddened to see you go.
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Old 12-08-2012, 12:52 PM   #8
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Interesting, I am sure there is a lot more to this story.

Do you know what a learning experience is? A learning experience is one of those things that says "You know that thing that you just did? Don't do that."
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Old 12-08-2012, 01:09 PM   #9
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Funny! I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen a post from you in a while.
I remember a couple of years ago, you and I helped Lucymcdog rewire her vintage trailer.
I for one will miss the knowledge you have to offer. Also understand your reasoning.
If you ever pass by our way, we have a place to plug in. You are welcome to stop by.
Travel Safe! And keep the Shiny side up!
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Old 12-08-2012, 05:46 PM   #10
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Chris, that is strange. Was it Forum members and TAC members?

If deleting your CG was intentional, I can understand how you feel. Could it have been a mistake? I suppose if you were treated badly at the rally, it sure sounds like it was intentional. This all happened because you showed up in another brand?

Although I joined TAC, it hasn't fit into my life and I haven't read the newsletters, so whatever TAC is doing is a mystery to me. I didn't even know they had a CG list.

Let me know what your CG is called—I assume it is in the town from which your Forum name is derived.

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Old 12-08-2012, 05:51 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wasagachris View Post
Hello all, long time no post. I feel compelled to come back here one time to speak my mind.
Yesterday I received the TAC winter newsletter and was shocked to see that my campground has been deleted from the list of places offering a discount to TAC members.
I can only assume that the illustrious publisher in his infinite " wisdom" has chosen to drop me from the list. I was the person who started the idea and personally contacted the other campgrounds to arrange the discounts. Although I am no longer active of the forums or with TAC, I unlike others keep my word and TAC members are still entitled to the discount at my campground.
Some of you may know that due to financial restraints I stopped work on my trailer restorations and soon after I felt ostracized by the main members of the TAC group. It felt like as long as I was willing to part with thousands of dollars I was accepted when that stopped the friendship also stopped.
Recently I attended the TAC rally at Disney in Florida, well let me tell you it felt like it was held in Alaska from the frosty reception I received from the majority of the attendees. That and this recent event has just confirmed why I dropped out in the first place.
So to close I will not be active ever again on the forums or with TAC but like I said earlier will keep my word and still offer the discount to TAC members. For those of you who are still my friends I apologize for disappearing from here and not telling you why.
Good luck to all of you and happy camping.
I would be sad if you didn't stick with the rest of us Chris. I don't know the politics, problems, or the issues but I think you are such a good resource, nice guy, and maybe we can offer something in return. I have missed seeing you on the Forums and hope there is room for all of us here.

Would it be possible to forget those that don't respond favorably to different perspectives and keep connecting with the rest of us that appreciate your input? I would love to continue the conversation and everyone will benefit from your continued involvement. Please reconsider.
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Old 12-08-2012, 06:56 PM   #12
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Jim, why in the heck do you keep coming back to just get angry again? Even your "no airstreams allowed" in your location - c'mon. It's like a "no girls allowed" sign on a kid's treehouse.

Even though I don't agree with your posts (no matter what RV you have), I hope that you'd find some calm and peace by not coming back to a place that angers you. It's not worth it.

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Old 12-08-2012, 07:04 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ND10CentCan

I would be sad if you didn't stick with the rest of us Chris. I don't know the politics, problems, or the issues but I think you are such a good resource, nice guy, and maybe we can offer something in return. I have missed seeing you on the Forums and hope there is room for all of us here.

Would it be possible to forget those that don't respond favorably to different perspectives and keep connecting with the rest of us that appreciate your input? I would love to continue the conversation and everyone will benefit from your continued involvement. Please reconsider.
I have to agree with Sandy 100%!
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Old 12-08-2012, 08:11 PM   #14
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Chris; I'm confused. If your campground is "Rocky Point" in Durham Ontario, it is listed as a campground giving 50% off to TAC members. This is in the September newsletter; this is the most current newsletter I have.
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Old 12-09-2012, 09:45 AM   #15
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Now I see what the campground is called and where it is.

Looks like a post was removed and it apparently was by someone who said he wanted nothing to do with Airstreams or Airstream owners, but is lurking, so I guess he didn't really mean it.

Mike, a new TAC newsletter came a couple of days ago.

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