"New England Airstream Club Fall Rally"
September 24-26, 2021
Travelers Woods Campground
152 River Street
Bernardston, Ma 01337
Hello Airstream Friends,
We are having a fun filled rally in Bernardston, Ma and would love to have you join us. The only requirement is owning an Airstream and loving to talk about your beloved Airstream. We will be holding our New England Business Meeting and Installation of new officers.
Things to do:
farmers market (Saturday)
rock climbing
zip lining
Friday:arrive and set up, diner on your own
7:30 breakfast provided
9:00 Business Meeting
6:00 Dinner provided
8:00 Campfire at dust
2 nights- $50.00
kitty fee- $5.00
Meals/person- $10.00
(Additional nights before and after rally$30/night)
PM me if interested for the rally COUPON.