Originally Posted by Protagonist
Given how many people are registered, it only makes sense to spread out their arrivals to keep from overwhelming the people on the parking committee. But I don't know exactly how they decided who is supposed to arrive when.
A lot of things enter into it. In the "old days" when they had thousands of trailers at an International, people who signed up as early workers were there weeks before the rally setting up water and electrical distribution, etc. Nowadays the rally will fit in established campgrounds, so fewer are needed. But there are still a lot of early worker slots, so those folks get parked early.
If you look at the schedule, there are official functions before the official start of the rally, like the IBT seminar and meeting, Unit Presidents appreciation dinner, choir practice, flag practice for opening ceremony, etc.
Unit Presidents are being parked on the 20th, more than a week before the official opening. Our unit president can't make it this year, so I am serving as our unit delegate at the Delegate's Meeting. As such I could have been parked on the 20th, but there's really no need, and we can't make it till a few days later anyway.
Since they are parking people at least a week ahead, I think they just distributed everybody over that week.
Lewisburg is going to be grand. Sold out the whole fairgrounds, with more than twice as many trailers than they had last year.