05-27-2004, 10:25 AM
4 Rivet Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 279
For all you ralllyites, Being it is RealllyRallly Season
I was reading Tracy Lawrence's post #444 @ http://www.airforums.com/forum...105#post100105
and an Idea struck me.
I won't be at that (Midwest Rally) nor many rallys ever (Hold back your emotions)
but I thought this might be interesting being I am an archivist by nature. (Not to be confused with anarchist in spite of some moderator's delusions).
Take the T-shirt design (should always have one official for any rally) or patch design or rally logo and print it onto letter sized paper (good medium weight stock. Dress it up with date and locale and some sort of Official Seal Looking thing verifying attendance. Laminate front side. On reverse print a form with grids for name, trailer, who attended in that trailer, weather, traveled from where,awards won at rally, and blank for miscellaneous.
Under that line the page the rest of the way down for listing of other attendees and their trailer and locale.
This reverse side would be filled out at the rally of course. Maybe everyone could sign their sigs on each others "log page" or some such exchange of info.
Guess at a really large rally that could be tedious but most rallys seem to be 30 or less trailers don't they?
Be nice to have a designated photographer at each rally too, and get a nicely thought out and backdropped photo of each couple or individual minus the neighbors and passerbys, but that's another thread and subject altogether.
Important: see that reverse writing can not bleed thru to front logo side. (Get the right paper. Some will use the wrong pens for sure.)
Destroy all extra copies save for one or two for the "club" archives or to send to the VAC archivist or whomever.
Punch 3 holes in the things and start a journal or scrap book documenting each rally the trailer attends. Or leave it in the proper receptacle on the way home.
Anyway it makes a nice (and cheap) momento. Also can be used as a window sign in the trailer during the rally.
Now if the group can afford it I guess small decals could be made and atached to the inside of a closet door or over the latest exterior ding or
wherever. And then for the truly rally-jaded I suppose a tattoo pro could make you a living billboard.