11-27-2021, 05:20 AM
4 Rivet Member 

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Viking Composite Propane Tanks
Anybody swap out their propane cylinders for the Vikings? I知 trying to reduce tongue weight on Int値 Serenity 23D. Already swapped out batteries for lithium. Anybody else wonder about huge tongue weight disparity on 23D vs 23FB?
TTs: 14 23D, 22 Basecamp 16X, 17 23FB (factory upgraded to twin) Serenity
Prev TVs: 17 MB AMG GL63, 17 Lexus LX570, 20 MB GLE580,
12 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 16 MB GLE400
11-27-2021, 06:38 AM
Rivet Master 
2012 25' FB Eddie Bauer
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I have heard, but can neither confirm nor deny, that composite tanks are not legal in RVs, moho or trailer. Aluminum tanks weigh about 7 lbs less than steel tanks. Not a lot.of.weight difference until you lift them manually.
Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.
11-27-2021, 07:58 AM
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2017 25' Flying Cloud
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I checked into them briefly a few years ago and concluded then they were not legal for RV use. Their marketing material indicates otherwise now so maybe something has changed and they are now DOT approved for RVs. They are only a few pounds less than aluminum which is another expensive option that saves you 10lbs per tank max. I believe with the Viking tank you have to go down to a 22lb size tank to fit in the Airstream tank box.
I see the spec tongue weight discrepancy you are talking about with 23D=720lb and 23FB=467lb. Are you saying the 23FB is significantly more than spec?
11-27-2021, 09:18 AM

2003 25' Classic
, Malebolgia
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If the weight of the tanks is worrisome, it may be time for a lash-up evaluation.
Go for aluminum, they are lighter, and and look better longer. (most fill stations will question a rusty tank, AMHIK)
I知 done with 疎dulting着Let痴 go find Bigfoot.
11-27-2021, 09:22 AM
2004 25' Safari
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Originally Posted by ROBERT CROSS
If the weight of the tanks is worrisome, it may be time for a lash-up evaluation.
Go for aluminum, they are lighter, and and look better longer. (most fill stations will question a rusty tank, AMHIK)
@Robertcross...love how you keep updating your signature line...lol!
- Lots of people are engaging in risky behavior, but most of them just don't know how risky their behavior really is...
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11-27-2021, 09:31 AM

2003 25' Classic
, Malebolgia
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Originally Posted by Justinhb
@Robertcross...love how you keep updating your signature line...lol! 
Let the 'mod's' know, they've let me know several times that 'it's not a signature' and is too long"
I知 done with 疎dulting着Let痴 go find Bigfoot.
11-27-2021, 10:17 AM
4 Rivet Member 

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Yeah Mine are nearing their Recert and are looking long in the tooth. I was looking for other options but like the 30痴 so probably swap for aluminum.
Vis a vis the tongue weight, was just tryptophan sleepy curious. That痴 a pretty wide variation in tongue weights between my 23D and the 23FB. They both weigh the same. Same tankage. Was wondering design wise how I got such a fat tongue weightit痴 accurate, Cat Scale tested. The real reason is curiosity if I stray to far from OEM spec handling/sway etc. if I start monkeying w/ lighter weight lithiums and composite tanks it will take off about 100lbs right at the hitch ball.
TTs: 14 23D, 22 Basecamp 16X, 17 23FB (factory upgraded to twin) Serenity
Prev TVs: 17 MB AMG GL63, 17 Lexus LX570, 20 MB GLE580,
12 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 16 MB GLE400
11-27-2021, 10:40 AM
3 Rivet Member 
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How propane dependent are you? Can you get by with 17# exchange bottles? You pay a little more but get the convenience of exchanging nearly every where and no big cash layout for aluminum.
11-27-2021, 10:53 AM
4 Rivet Member 
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Originally Posted by Foiled Again
I have heard, but can neither confirm nor deny, that composite tanks are not legal in RVs, moho or trailer. Aluminum tanks weigh about 7 lbs less than steel tanks. Not a lot.of.weight difference until you lift them manually.
I got curious about this and found that they are DOT approved: https://vikingcylinders.com/support/faq/
Also found this thread on Forest River forum discussing some refillers not wanting to refill the composite tanks:
I've thought about these or Aluminum as well, but in both cases the price scares me away. Maybe when my steel tanks expire...
11-27-2021, 11:26 AM
3 Rivet Member 
2021 27' Globetrotter
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Maybe you just need a vehicle with the load capacity for your set up. 1 gallon of water will eat up the weight savings of that composite or aluminum tank.
11-28-2021, 03:29 AM
Rivet Master 

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Even with no batteries in the battery box (315 amp hour lithium battery is just forward of wheel well street side under sofa and Dexter hydraulic brake pump is in battery box), our tongue weight is just over 900 pounds on our 2015 23D. Our 23D also scales 6,060 pounds camping ready. The two new 3,600 pound rated Dexter axles with 3" lifts and 12" dual puck disc brakes are are big improvements over the OEM equipment with 10" drum brakes.
Adding to the tongue weight is the inverter/charger just forward of the furnace along with other solar charging equipment and auto transfer between the front and stock rear 120Vac power inlets.
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11-28-2021, 05:33 AM
4 Rivet Member 

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We travel relatively light, OEM everything, empty black and grey, 10% fresh water, we don稚 really cook so always light on the supplies too! Ours came w/o the street side ZipDee awning and was relatively optioned lite. Our last scale was spec at 5895 and 652 on the tongue. TV痴 were the Mercedes GL63 (Tow Rated 7500lbs) and the Lexus variant of the Toyota Land Cruiser (7500). No problems at all so far. Haven稚 yet checked what removing 140 lbs of AGMs and adding back in only 52lbs in Lithiums (net weight loss 88lbs) effect on scale tongue weight. Additional weight loss coming: ordered 2 Viking composite propane tanks which are 26lbs empty vs. 110lbs for the original tanks (another 84lbs net weight loss for a total of 172lbs dry weight off the tongue).I知 guessing if I moved the lithiums back (out of the batt box to inside the trailer) it would reduce the tongue weight even more. Probable future weight gains will be adding your Dexter setup and upsizing the OEM wheels (I致e got about a 11 drop from TV reinforced Hitch to AS).
TTs: 14 23D, 22 Basecamp 16X, 17 23FB (factory upgraded to twin) Serenity
Prev TVs: 17 MB AMG GL63, 17 Lexus LX570, 20 MB GLE580,
12 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 16 MB GLE400
11-28-2021, 08:43 AM
Rivet Master 
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According to their website they are DOT approved
Our cylinders are approved for use by the DOT and TC, and are actually far safer than steel propane gas tanks. Viking Cylinders propane tanks do not corrode or break down over time, and fire tests have proven they will not BLEVE. BLEVE is the technical abbreviation for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. In layman痴 terms this means our cylinder will not explode in a fire. Instead, the resin will burn off and the plastic liner and casing will melt. The LPG will then 澱reathe駁 through the cylinder wall and burn in a controlled manner. But don稚 forget propane is highly flammable and should be handled carefully. Improper use can be dangerous.
Viking Cylinders propane tanks are produced by Hexagon Ragasco, the worldwide leader in composite LPG cylinders. (You can learn more about Hexagon Ragasco here.) There are more than 12 million of these cylinders in service with families and businesses around the globe, and we have an outstanding safety record.
11-28-2021, 09:17 AM
Rivet Master 
2017 25' Flying Cloud
, Colorado
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Posts: 830
If DOT approved the Viking tanks do look appealing. Downsides for me are still 1) None of my local fillers are listed on their "Find a Filler", 2) You only get 22lbs of propane in a 30lb propane tank size. Still seams like an expensive/exotic way to shave off a few pounds. At least with Lithium batteries you are getting other advantages along with weight savings.
11-28-2021, 09:20 AM
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Here's an idea:
It is totally not feasible, is certainly illegal, would look stupid, but is fun to think about. Fashion a rack across the rear bumper of the Airstream, and mount a whole row of propane tanks. That would reduce your tongue weight, give you all the propane you could ask for, and would really keep tailgaters at bay.
11-28-2021, 09:25 AM
4 Rivet Member 

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Originally Posted by drmox
Here's an idea:
It is totally not feasible, is certainly illegal, would look stupid, but is fun to think about. Fashion a rack across the rear bumper of the Airstream, and mount a whole row of propane tanks. That would reduce your tongue weight, give you all the propane you could ask for, and would really keep tailgaters at bay.
I really like that idea... kinda James Bond/spy movie too..when being chased by the bad guys, just hit the release button and boom.
TTs: 14 23D, 22 Basecamp 16X, 17 23FB (factory upgraded to twin) Serenity
Prev TVs: 17 MB AMG GL63, 17 Lexus LX570, 20 MB GLE580,
12 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 16 MB GLE400
11-28-2021, 12:55 PM
2 Rivet Member 
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Posts: 68
I installed Viking tanks on our 23D. They come with filling certificates showing the DOT registration number and DOT special permit number in case it is necessary to convince the filler that it is OK to fill the cylinder. So far, no problems. I bought them because basically lighter is always good. The difference in weight compared to a full 30-lb steel cylinder is 23 lbs each which is 46 lbs of something else I can have influencing tongue weight but more importantly it is 23 lbs less to lug to the trailer from the propane filling station. I知 not specifically trying to lower tongue weight - just maintain it. My CAT scale trailer weight is 4820 lbs last time I measured it and my Sherline tongue weight is 740 lbs, or 15% of trailer weight, so I don稚 really need those extra 46 lbs for stability.
11-28-2021, 02:31 PM
Rivet Master 
2002 19' Bambi
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Originally Posted by drmox
Fashion a rack across the rear bumper of the Airstream, and mount a whole row of propane tanks. That would reduce your tongue weight, give you all the propane you could ask for, and would really keep tailgaters at bay.
Probably not good idea! Safety in an accident comes first to mind (such as for those tailgaters). In addition, you can find a number of threads warning that the frame is not able to support much weight on the back end of an Airstream.
11-28-2021, 02:39 PM
4 Rivet Member 
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For some reason, I thought the composite tanks were only certified for 5 years rather than 10. Is that still true as well under the new DOT certification?
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11-28-2021, 09:19 PM
4 Rivet Member 

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Originally Posted by PeterDB
I installed Viking tanks on our 23D. They come with filling certificates showing the DOT registration number and DOT special permit number in case it is necessary to convince the filler that it is OK to fill the cylinder. So far, no problems. I bought them because basically lighter is always good. The difference in weight compared to a full 30-lb steel cylinder is 23 lbs each which is 46 lbs of something else I can have influencing tongue weight but more importantly it is 23 lbs less to lug to the trailer from the propane filling station. I知 not specifically trying to lower tongue weight - just maintain it. My CAT scale trailer weight is 4820 lbs last time I measured it and my Sherline tongue weight is 740 lbs, or 15% of trailer weight, so I don稚 really need those extra 46 lbs for stability.
Did you have to purchase the new base for the tanks?
TTs: 14 23D, 22 Basecamp 16X, 17 23FB (factory upgraded to twin) Serenity
Prev TVs: 17 MB AMG GL63, 17 Lexus LX570, 20 MB GLE580,
12 Porsche Cayenne Turbo, 16 MB GLE400
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