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Old 09-02-2007, 09:30 AM   #1
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Region Officers tenure

I would like some brainstorming help. The current time requirement if an individual who runs for 2VP in a region is 6 years if they complete the tenure. This 6 year commitment has kept a number of very qualified individuals out of the office. Also the requirements of the office require the office holder a hefty investment of time and money. These things tend to keep working individuals on the sideline. I think we should find a way to reduce the tenure in office as well as reducing the overall financial and time impact on any one person or office.

I understand the reason for the 2 year office positions and even/odd elections is to keep some experienced individuals at the IBT. Given this scenario I would propose we move to a President and VP. Get rid of the 2nd VP. This would shorten the time in office to 4 years. This would then match most units and the International for total time. I would then add an odd number of Trustees based on the size and requirements of the regions. Each region could determine the right number for them. These individuals could then help with some of the chores and commitments of the Pres/VP offices. The trustee position could also be a 2 year term. Hopefully the trustee position could be a breeding ground for the Pres/VP offices. If not, the regions would have some could short term help.

WBCCI #7528
MN Unit
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Old 09-02-2007, 11:15 AM   #2
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I think that we should look at SCCA for a model. They have 12 divisions. A BOD member is elected every three years from each division (four each year). No travel expenses, and little for other expenses. BOD elects chairman, etc. Meet at least once a month by conference call, and twice a year face to face. Election is by paper ballot controlled by cpa firm. No parading up the line with little input from the members. Directors ARE responsible to the members, and have been known to not be re-elected when they don't listen to the members.

More info: Sports Car Club of America

Minutes of meetings always published in a timely manner.

ps Just recieved a nice nametag and vest recognizing 40 years as a member.
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Old 09-02-2007, 12:54 PM   #3
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The point of this thread was to talk about the structure of the club at the region level. Remember, the longest journey starts with the first step. I am not wanting to discuss should we have regions or not, the fact is we do. Lets make the jobs as appealling as posible to the best people we have out there. Once we have good people in place, good things can happen.
WBCCI #7528
MN Unit
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Old 09-02-2007, 02:26 PM   #4
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Hey, don't leave Leo,

I love your idea. It appears to have fair representation for all concerned. Something we definitely don't have now! Yes, we need to fix it, by reducing the number of regions, by making the jobs more appealing with less ultimate time committed. Having 6, or 7 regions is a good number, or pick another. Then, as you say, fill the remaining current region seats,(if we do the 6 Regions) as we have now, with "Intra Club" Presidents: A Moho Club Prez, VAC Pres, Classic Club Prez, Life Memebers Prez and the like. This way, all groups will be represented on the IBT. Superb!

A NE Region, to include Canada Maritimes( Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec), (Sorry Quebec, "Je me souvien!")

SE Region,

Upper Great Lakes, to include the Eastern Canada Prairies(Ontario,Manitoba, and Nunavut) and

Lower Great Plains,

Rocky Mountains(to include Saskatchewan, Alberta,

NW Region to include Alaska, Yukon, NWT, BC and Hawai'i), and

SouthWest Region, and.......

Europe, you get the picture.
Then NOT have any "Units"
Gee, an International Flag Ceremony on opening day that may take just 15 minutes!

AND to simplifiy it further, have everyone send in THEIR REGION DUES to Jackson Center, instead of what we do now, sending to our local Unit Treasurer, who then sends it to HQ. This would end an expenditure (mailing twice) that has been foisted on the individual units at their expense. In Denver, it cost us $4.00 Times 120 member rigs to mail out all the stuff to members.
‘62 Overlander 26 ft. ATW Yeager trailer #5289
"62 Airstream 22ft. ATW Hall trailer #83,’90 SQ Sream, ‘06 Bambi Q/S, Prevost Featherlite 45ft, GMC/ Bigfoot camper
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Old 09-02-2007, 02:28 PM   #5
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The last time there was any long term thought and reorganization of the club was in 1964. In 43 years things have changed and the current organization has not demonstrated it can successfull manage the club. They have been talking for 15 years about doing something to turnaround the shrinking membership numbers without making any progress. The membership numbers are down so far now that we do not really need three levels of organization to be able to run the club. It is my feeling the region and IBT structure as it is being operated is a failure. The region officers original job responsibilities were to help the individual local unit officers in comminicating with the International officers and assist them in local problems. The region structure was proposed because the International officers said they did not have the time to help all local clubs. In my 14 years experience, the Region officers never tried to help the local clubs and were only an imparment in comunicating to the International officers. We are the biggest unit in our region and the only time I have seen a region officer reach out to me (as a local officer) was for him to come around to promote his Region Rally. The only remaining Region function (that provides any benefit to the individual members) is putting on the Region Rally. With the diminished membership in each region, it should only take one year to plan for and put it on. Therefore, I agree the Region offices should only be a president and one vice president and only one year in each post. This would also automatically reduce the average IBT member age by four years and make them a little closer in age to the general membership. It is clear from any pictures you look at, the IBT members do not look at all like or act like the people in the general membership. From what I have seen, there is definitely a class war going on within the club and the club is suffering as a result. We need to make improvements to the club not merely make more changes that do not better serve the current or potential members.
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