Greetings John T!
Welcome to the world of Vintage Minuet ownership!
Originally Posted by clicker187
We just purchased a 77 Minuet 20’ Argosy. We’re excited to do so upgrades. Going to try to keep it ans original ans possible. Our very first trailer in the 70’s was an Argosy guess we have gone full circle.
John T
It looks like you have found yourself a very well preserved 6.0 Metre Minuet. It appears to be equipped with the Mint/Spring Green Interior Color Scheme. I have a very similar 1978 6.0 Metre Minuet, only with the Argosy Orange Interior Color Scheme. It appears that yours has already had the floor covering upgraded to a floating floor covering -- that is something that I did shortly after acquiring my Minuet from its original owner in 2002. You will likely find that your Minuet has composite aluminum floors below that floating floor covering so much less worry about floor rot. A little Armor All applied sparingly to the Vinyl Clad Aluminum Cabinets and Furniture will help to maintain its healthy glow.
My Minuet's Argosy Orange Interior Color Scheme (before reupholstery):
You probably already know this, having owned an Argosy in the past, but those Panoramic windows are very expensive to replace. It is well worth the expense and trouble to install some sort of protection. For my 1978 6.0 Metre Minuet, I chose to go with the three-piece Rock Guard set designed for the narrow-body Airstreams -- the center section had to be narrowed by approximately 6-inches, but the entire front Panoramic Window set is fully protected.
You may also want to check the condition of your axle. My Minuet was riding at about the same point as yours when I towed it home. Investigation proved that the original axle was in need of replacement. A new axle made a tremendous difference in the ride quality -- far less movement of what was packed in the trailer, and the ride height of the trailer increased by almost 2-inches.
I am sure that you will enjoy your Minuet as much as I have enjoyed my Minuet. Mine has been a fantastic trailer for those short trips where I haven't wanted to get the larger Overlander out, or when I was heading to a campground that had tight camping spots that were difficult to access with the longer Overlander. It has also been fun to take the Minuet to Vintage camper events that aren't necessarily focused upon Airstream products -- it becomes something of a conversation piece at those functions as there are many who do not remember the Argosy make.
Good luck with your Minuet, and I would encourage you to consider joining the Vintage Airstream Club as well! I have been a member for years, and the membership has be a source of great information for years!!