OK all you West Coast A/S owners! I read somewhere that there is an upcoming RV and/or A/S show this month or next month either in the Blythe, CA or Quartzsite, AZ or somewhere in the Southwest area.
Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks
As I previously posted, I attended the Quartzite show last week and it was an absolute waste of time. If you have any questions about the show, let me know.
The problem with the show was that it really was not an "industry" sponsored show. There was absolutely no "manufacturer" representation and all there were, were a bunch of retailers trying to sell everything from salsa choppers to 12 volt steam irons.
After speaking with a few other people, we all agreed that if you are looking to see a wide variety of product and a wide array of what RV's are on the market, this is NOT the show for you.
I was thinking this might be the case, not much representation from the manufacturers. But, if there was none, then I can see your point. Probably should have been advertised as a flea market. lol
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