Just watched Bride of Chucky and much of the early movie takes place in Tiffany's Airstream. I loved the movie, I confess. Here's a trailer with the trailer
Have any of you heard of the Maco Light? An old ghostly story that I have mostly forgotton.
Also the Bell Witch story (s).
One of my fav urban legends is the one where the guy leaves his date in the parked car out in the lovers lane woods to go get some kind of help for something. Then after hours when he does not return she gets out to find him headless hanging from tree limb above the car, or something like that.
On a similar note do any of you all recall seeing an old (1950-60) black & white I think horror flick called the Screaming Skull? Maybe that skull belonged to her date above. When I was a kid that movie remained with me for years and not long ago someone gave it to me on DVD, it was still fun but not such a terror anymore.
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