Where the grass is blue
Hey y'all,
We have been discussing a bluegrass rally and some of the festival listings on the thread 'Airstreams and banjo's' , check it out. Verrry interesting!
Seems like lots of us like similar stuff, apart from being alumaholics I mean. I can't wait to have my baby all fixed up and on the road, banjo carefully stowed, on the way to meet some of the folks I have only chatted with online.
Our first trip will be the crooked road, but first I have to build a house for one of our offspring. We have three grandchildren due this spring so...... no wanderlust for us this year.
TV: 2007 Jeep GC Laredo diesel
Toy: 1995 Jeep YJ
Experience is what you get from not having it when you needed it.