Hi everyone,
Our power pilot and co pilot seats worked great on the last trip with no problems. This week went to take the coach for a day trip and both seat motors will not operate. I checked all fuses in the block and all is well.
Looking for ideas.
in my 310 the circuit breakers for the seats are located behind the dash. my seats does that every once in a while , but the circuit breakers will reset when they cool down. need to find and check the CB. also the switch assy will cause that problem but normally one seat at a time. i have to pull my dash to check my ac i will take a picture of the CBs lol
My 1984 310 manual says wires to seats are apt to "pull apart" under seats if turned 180 degrees...these are the connectors right under the seat...easy to check before going into dash....lol
The Silver Buffalo
Saturn with Blue OX towbar
WBCCI # 14067
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