to the list as you think of it! P30
1) Tires - dry rot? rims bent?
2) driveshaft - universals tight?
3) rear axle - any lube in it?
4) gas tank - odor or leaks?
5) rear air bags - pump up and turn off? bags twisted? fuse holder slowly melting down from too frequent operation?
6) transmission leaks? shift? slip?
7) 454 engine - when was anything last replaced? No history - assume original. Do compression check. Look at plugs and wires also. Cooked wires will fall apart. Any leaks? Valve cover and intake manifold gaskets time consuming to replace. Starter solonoid cooked by heat - plastic cover still on it? oil cooler lines old/original? coolant hoses and belts old? ac work? run hot at idle? hot at load? Exhaust leaks at manifold? engine oil cooler beat up? vacuum lines old and brittle? quadrajet - does it stall/bog down with sudden full throttle while below
1500 rpm? air cleaner cold air duct missing?
8) someone wiggle steering wheel while you look at steering components - any play?
9) shocks old?
10) front bags flat?
11) batteries age? there are 3
12) brake pads need replacing? assuming brakes work.
13) speedometer bouncing - speedo cable failing.
14) instruments work?
15) cruise work?
16) power steering/brakes resevoir level unchanging? (leaks)
17) hold a dollar bill semi firmly accross the tail pipe. It should steady blow outward with steady pulsing. If it sucks in repeatedly, an exhaust valve may be burnt, but a rich fuel mix can do it also.
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