Well it seems that I've got some oil seepage around what could be a repaired dip stick insert. Looks like it was brazed sometime in the past.
I've looked at replacing it as the prospect of removing, cleaning, repairing the old pan leaves me a little cold.
I've seen many high performance pans, some with trap door baffels, some just baffled.
I'm thinking of a 7 qt. trap door performance type pan.
What's your experience in this area?
Got any ideas?
How about bright orange paint vs. black vs. chrome?????
I'm going to have my hired wrench do this job but would like to know what is involved before we get deep into it.
This is going to have to happen in the next few weeks as I'm in my down season til mid January.
Glen Coombe AIR #8416
1984 28' Funeral Coach
Former Rolling Showroom & PuttLab (now party bus)
"I'm not an expert. But I did sleep in an Airstream last night."
I agree with most of what you're saying. However I understand the rear mainseal would be quite an undertaking. The crank has to come down to do this and special tool required to place the upper half of the two piece seal?
High volume oil pump is already something I had thought about.
I like chrome.... already have new valve covers ready to put on as I've got some seepage from the gaskets up there too. Why just replace a gasket when you can make it look pretty too?
Glen Coombe AIR #8416
1984 28' Funeral Coach
Former Rolling Showroom & PuttLab (now party bus)
"I'm not an expert. But I did sleep in an Airstream last night."
I have CRS (Can't Remember S...tuff) syndrome... I know on the small block there was a way to kind of slide the seal around to get it out, it involved a wire with some threaded thing on one end...IIRC it was called a Sneaky Pete Maybe Terry will know what I am talking about, but anyway it will let you replace the top part of the seal without pulling the crank. And I think the big blocks could be done the same way.
....so many Airstreams....so little time...
Why are we in this basket...and where are we going
Glen, I would recommend a US-made replacement, whatever you do; also, there's a GREAT oilpan gasket made by FelPro now - blue silicone and pre-shaped. It's ~$50+, but looks like the shiznet!
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