Reclining Leather Seats
I just received the Stabilus Gas Spring Bloc-o-lifts
310MM EXT : 100MM STK: 600N(135#) Which can be
purchased for $100.00 from
Magnus Mobility Systems INC.
1912 W Business Center Drive
Orange, Ca 92867
(714) 771-2630
The gas springs that were on the seats are not made
anymore so this is as close as you can buy.
You also need to Purchase a 10MM x 1.0 Tap to drill and
tap threads for new gas springs. These gas are a little bigger
and stronger. You may have to grind down the other end of
the gas spring to fit as it is thicker than the old one.
If you are wondering why go to this trouble well on our
3000 mile trip the drivers seat would gradually recline
without touching the recline lever.
The job is done now and the seats will only recline now
with the lever.
Just a few airstream tidbits.