I understand there are some knowledgeable Airstream Motorhome owners who may be willing to assist a prospective buyer with checking out/inspecting an Airstream Motorhome. The RV in question [1995 Airstream Landyacht - 35' pusher] is being sold by a dealer in Tampa, Fl. I am located in California but would be traveling to Fl. to take delivery. I am willing to compensate whoever for their time, expenses, etc. Is there a list of members by area who offer such a service for new RVer's? This is my 1st Post. Thanks!
Welcome to the forums and good luck in your quest to find an Airstream. I am sure someone will post that can inspect the trailer for you...I would, but I am way up in Michigan.
Richard, Thanks for the info., this forum is great! I reached out to a local Fl. member on the list & hopefully will hear back. ~Rick
PS I'm a scuba diver...aren't porpoises terrific!
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