I have a 2005 25ft Safari. The white paint on the roof is starting to chalk and after every wash or rain there are white puddles on the ground. Any suggestions ? Repaint or good wax?
you can wash the roof with a good automotive soap... and rinse very very well. that will reduce the 'white' chalking... but not eliminate. our 1999 does same. We will be recoating with a 'bus' sealant soon.
Peace and Blessings..
WBCCI# 30676
Tropical sun doesn't help, even under cover aged paint will chalk. I have solved the problem in the past with acrylic floor wax as a great sealer. Only problem encountered is if you do not wash or scrub all dirt off you will form a muddy cover instead of a clear coat, once applied with a couple of coats all it takes is a yearly washdown and a single recoat. HD had the best product by the gallon.
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