In the giving spirit of the Christmas holiday season I am offering these all-inclusive answers to any questions you may encounter. Feel free to copy and paste to your library for easy reference.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Welcome to our forums. All moderators are currently busy answering questions from other members, please hold.
4. You have posed an excellent question. Refer to the posts below for advice.
5. I know exactly what you're referring to, I had the same problem with mine but I fixed it.
6. This was a common problem with that year and model. Buy a different one.
7. I don't understand the instructions either. Do you have any kids?
8. First be sure that you have plugged it in.
9. Have you tried WD-40?
10. If it's not on the inside, try looking outside.
All kidding aside, you guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.