I've been reading posts for almost a year now, and I see "one rivet members" "2,3,4 rivet members," sustaining members, etc. What does all that mean? Obviously I have overlooked all those definitions somewhere. Have searched and failed to find...so I decided to ask...can you help me?
Woah! When this got posted I see I am a 1 Rivet Member...but don't know what I did to get that designation.
I've been reading posts for almost a year now, and I see "one rivet members" "2,3,4 rivet members," sustaining members, etc. What does all that mean? Obviously I have overlooked all those definitions somewhere. Have searched and failed to find...so I decided to ask...can you help me?
Sustaining/Contributing memebrs are those who contribute to the site. They get AIR stickers and a few account perks. Contributing members have a golden rivet next to their avatar.
"One of the best lessons I've learned is that you don't worry about criticism from people you wouldn't seek advice from."
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