I have responded to 2 sellers ads and have not received any contact back. Wondering if I am doing something wrong! Was logged in when I submitted the form. Have also tried messaging through the forum and private message. No luck!
I have responded to 2 sellers ads and have not received any contact back. Wondering if I am doing something wrong! Was logged in when I submitted the form. Have also tried messaging through the forum and private message. No luck!
I have made several attempts at this myself and have never received any response back. I don't think that they actually get the emails that are sent in the area that is provided. The only time I have ever been successful is when the guy had his personal email in the add and I responded to that. However in that case I purchased a trailer and am very happy with the results!
hi-i have a 2020 Bambi16R for sale, ad is in features listings, Roscoe, NY.
It's never been used, ad says everything about it. jmargeotesarchitect@gmail.com
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