10-26-2007, 10:41 AM
Rivet Master
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Boatdoc, et al...as mentioned above, as we grow the number of posts does also to a point of cycling through very quickly on the Portal Page. To keep from missing out on anything, use the " New Posts" sort selection. It will show you ALL the threads that have been posted to since your last visit - whether it be an hour, two weeks, a month or year ago. Think of it as your customized portal page - this shows all the threads, not just the last 30 like the Portal Page.
Once you have read the threads with new posts that suit your mood or style, select the " Quick Links" drop down (just to the right of "New Posts") and click on " Mark Forums Read". This will reset the "New Posts" to start over.
If you clear you "New Posts" and want to go back to something posted in the last 24 hours, select the " Quick Links" drop down and click on " Today's Posts" this will show you all the threads with posts in the last 24 hours.
The other thing I find helpful about using the "New Posts" sort tab is that it shows a little more about the posts that appear there. It shows the forum they are posted to in the right hand column. This makes it very easy to scan down the list and skip over the off-topic or subject matter that doesn't interest you at the moment - where as on the "Portal Page", just the thread's title appears - not the forum subject matter. I find this helpful if I have limited time and only want to read particular subjects and save the rest for later...
Hope this helps ~
10-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Classic 30
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, Ohio
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Posts: 594
Is there anyway to mark a thread "don't show thread", so it never appears on portal or new posts until it is unmarked?
"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" - Oscar Wilde
2500HD DMax............30' Classic
10-26-2007, 11:40 AM
Rivet Master
1956 22' Flying Cloud
, California
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Posts: 672
Originally Posted by InsideOut
Boatdoc, et al...as mentioned above, as we grow the number of posts does also to a point of cycling through very quickly on the Portal Page. To keep from missing out on anything, use the "New Posts" sort selection. It will show you ALL the threads that have been posted to since your last visit - whether it be an hour, two weeks, a month or year ago. Think of it as your customized portal page - this shows all the threads, not just the last 30 like the Portal Page.
Once you have read the threads with new posts that suit your mood or style, select the "Quick Links" drop down (just to the right of "New Posts") and click on "Mark Forums Read". This will reset the "New Posts" to start over.
If you clear you "New Posts" and want to go back to something posted in the last 24 hours, select the "Quick Links" drop down and click on "Today's Posts" this will show you all the threads with posts in the last 24 hours.
wow! this is great. all the time and hours spent on here, i never used the quick link tab. thanks so much!
*by asking the above question,
i verify that i have already used
the search feature to the best of my ability...
10-26-2007, 12:07 PM
Rivet Master
, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by InsideOut
Boatdoc, et al...as mentioned above, as we grow the number of posts does also to a point of cycling through very quickly on the Portal Page.
Hope this helps ~
Shari, as moderator, can you look up any statistics like the number of posts per day?
It's my impression that the forums have actually slowed down from a couple of years ago. Back then it seemed that the portal page would completely change every hour, now it sometimes takes a full day. I know it changes with the season.
Just curious
10-26-2007, 12:09 PM
Rivet Master
1956 22' Safari
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Originally Posted by Sky
Is there anyway to mark a thread "don't show thread", so it never appears on portal or new posts until it is unmarked?
Nope, sorry ~
However, there is a built-in feature to "Ignore" a member if you want. It can be found in your "UserCP"
10-26-2007, 12:22 PM
Rivet Master
1956 22' Safari
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, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by markdoane
Shari, as moderator, can you look up any statistics like the number of posts per day?
It's my impression that the forums have actually slowed down from a couple of years ago. Back then it seemed that the portal page would completely change every hour, now it sometimes takes a full day. I know it changes with the season.
Just curious
Yes, the admin/mods can look at any number of statistics.
For example:
I just checked the 'new posts' and 'new threads' activity levels for September 26 thru October 25, 2006 and compared it to the same dates this year. New Posts
2006 - each day the number of posts ranged from 215-482
2007 - each day the number of posts ranged from 323-811
New Threads
2006 - each day the number of new threads added ranged from 14-38
2007 - each day the number of new threads added ranged from 12-39
Quite a jump I would say in the new posts! Not so much in the new threads - I can attribute this to the incredible database of information that is already evident and long-running discussions. The reason the portal page seems slower to change is it's the interface most people use. If they only view the most recent 30 threads and only post to those threads showing on the portal page they will seem to stick for a longer period of time. The more people use the "New Posts" feature and post to threads #31 and above...the faster the portal page will cycle! The portal page is really intended as a first glance at the most recent "active threads"...not necessarily the "best". It's also there for "non-members" to get a taste of what's going on - non-members can not use the full-featured sort tools, like "New Posts" since they aren't members, the program doesn't know when they last visited.
Another indicator of the growth is the number of individual member visits per day. Again using September 26 thru October 25, 2006 and compared it to the same dates this year. Individual Member Visits
2006 - there were between 492 & 755 different member visits per day
2007 - there were between 648 & 891 different member visits per day
Of course these numbers ebb & flow month-to-month during the seasons, but I'd just wanted to share the past month to explain the point of discussion. There is definately growth happening...not decline.
<On Edit:> Another thing I just checked, there have been 111 different threads posted to within the last 24 hours (click on 'Quick Links' > 'Today's Posts') the programming of the portal page is such that every single one of those has cycled through the portal page over the course of the last 24 hours. How long they stay is dependant on how active they are and how many posts are added.
Stay tuned though...there is another change in the wind that may effect the perception of 'slow portal churn' ~
10-26-2007, 12:38 PM
Site Team
2002 25' Safari
, Arizona
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Posts: 15,694
I looked at the stats on the forums page and noticed that the average number of posts/threads has gone up on average. Over the life of the forums it has been 13.35 posts per thread and in the past month it has averaged 19.28 posts per thread. Several threads have had a brazilon posts and would give the perception that the portal page is stagnant because they are frequently being posted.
Wally Byam Airstream Club 7513
10-26-2007, 12:58 PM
Rivet Master
1984 29' Sovereign
, Missouri
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Just my thoughts..
You are a unique restorer and, I salute the way you apply the knowledge from your other profession to improve your unit..I have similar dreams, unfulfilled, along the same vein of thoughts. Plzs, keep me in your loop.
I don't know of many that haven't been censored at one time or another in the past. Some deserved it, others it was a "grey" area..A few were either kicked out or, drummed off. I have been slapped a few time as well..
Personally, I don't care for censorship, so far as it applies to what a members has to say. As long as we're civil toward each other and, don't get into a flame feud.
Spams, sexual website, etc...That's another matter, and needs to be kept off. In that, I am thankful Andy R and, the moderators work hard to keep the house clean.
I have been here for over 5 years myself and, like you, have tried to share a little bit of this love for this Airstream Life style. We all bring a different plate to the table and, I have enjoyed hugely, reading, seeing what others had to shared.
Having said that, I am outta of here..
See ya down the road.
10-26-2007, 01:37 PM
Rivet Master
1973 Argosy 26
, Pennsylvania
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Posts: 645
Originally Posted by CanoeStream
The New Posts link on the blue menu bar overhead will show all recent posts that a member has not yet looked at -- page after page of them. This can help one understand the posting sequence and the pace at which threads are posted to.
Mods can move threads between subforums; eg, a polishing thread would be moved into Exterior Restoration if it was originally placed under Boondocking. Moderators cannot alter the date & time stamp on a post or thread -- this is important to understand. The latest 30 time-and-dated posts show up on the portal page and mods cannot affect that either -- it's just not in the software.
Hi Bob; I have been fully aware how the new thread or replies bump down preceding post, however this is not what I am talking about. In the past [without quoting specifics] I have monitored my posts. Within 15 minutes and after only two new incoming replies, and no other incoming posts, my post has been moved to sub forums. We are not speaking about 29 new incoming posts or replies that pushed my post down the page. Someone had to move it to the Sub Forums. In reference to my posts, I do not believe that I have made a single post that was out of the Forums perimeters, that would have basis for deletion of the post.
In regards to everyones concern about my comment about OFF TOPIC issue, I am not denying anyone their fun, although blowing up a trailer is not my cup of tea after watching my buddies being blown up during a two year period. While the forums are open, the shear volume of incoming Off Topic posts, are forcing the rest of us to spend more time to scroll down through it, so that we can find something meaningfull that is associated with Airstream. I do not believe that "Off Topic posts" have been the original intended mark of the organizer. Those of you who cannot survive without it, should ask for separate page known as "Off Topic New Posts". This will permit you to have your kind of fun and the rest of us can enjoy things associated with Airstream. Thank you, "Boatdoc"
10-26-2007, 02:06 PM
, .
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Posts: 8,812
hey boatdoc
i'm not a mod/admin but will jump in here too.
i read at least 3 issues in your o.p.
1. 'who moderates the mods and do they have written defined guidelines/policy?
many of us have asked this question and often the thread/post with this query gets deleted or closed.
here is what happens ( at least in my imaginary reconstruction)...
the mod/admins have their own private threads on a variety of issues and members....
they exchange ideas and tips on dealing with these problems.
after awhile bits of this becomes 'policy' , some well documented and some not.
some mods are expert 'spam fighters' and zap it away so quickly/cleanly that members never see it, including other mods.
some mods do other clean up issues and shuffle posts. same transparency applies.
some threads/posts/members create the sort of issues that require more thought and effort from the mod/admin folks...
so the mods powwow, temporarily pull something or alter it until a final solution is developed.
this process (pulling, debating, restoring, edit/delete) is always in evolution...
and for the most part has improved over time.
then a BRAND NEW DILEMMA appears and the cooks cook up something new...
most of the mods 'are humans 2' and occasionally do goofy things...
there flame someone or whack a post or yell "stop it" at the wrong time...
again they all powwow and eventually fix whatever the impulsive person did...
till next time.
2. why did my posts move?
occasionally someone posts a new thread or reply in the wrong sub section.
IF a mod/admin is on and sees it and acts, it may be relocated very quickly.
this should NOT alter where on the list of current posts it is, however.
IF you feel like your posts are being moved unfairly take your concern directly to andyR.
sure some mods might be able to help you, but they may also be the one responsible and ignore your concern.
worse they may offer you a halfarse reply. so IF you don't like the results/action, take it up a notch!
administrators have different access and 'powers' than moderators
so the more involved the issue is, or the greater YOUR concern, KICK IT UP a level...
some with power can/do abuse it but others seem to balance out this fact in life...
3. too much non a/s specific stuff here is not the intent of these forums...
perhaps but i've been on many other forums where the off topic area REALLY is way off...
polictics, current events, religion, near porn, and so on, and without much removed...
many here would actually LIKE an area like this.
it's really hard to know the 'intent' of these forums since they do continue to evolve (not the same as improve) and expand.
lastly i do enjoy some of your repair info, but i seldom read those threads.
because for the most part restoration and "10 ways to clean a wingnut"
are tooooooo far off topic for me and really a lot of the rehab threads are games too
all of the true things that i am about to tell you are shameless lies. l.b.j.
we are here on earth to fart around. don't let anybody tell you any different. k.v.
10-26-2007, 02:39 PM
Rivet Master
1973 Argosy 26
, Pennsylvania
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 645
Originally Posted by 2airishuman
hey boatdoc
i'm not a mod/admin but will jump in here too.
i read at least 3 issues in your o.p.
1. 'who moderates the mods and do they have written defined guidelines/policy?
many of us have asked this question and often the thread/post with this query gets deleted or closed.
here is what happens ( at least in my imaginary reconstruction)...
the mod/admins have their own private threads on a variety of issues and members....
they exchange ideas and tips on dealing with these problems.
after awhile bits of this becomes 'policy' , some well documented and some not.
some mods are expert 'spam fighters' and zap it away so quickly/cleanly that members never see it, including other mods.
some mods do other clean up issues and shuffle posts. same transparency applies.
some threads/posts/members create the sort of issues that require more thought and effort from the mod/admin folks...
so the mods powwow, temporarily pull something or alter it until a final solution is developed.
this process (pulling, debating, restoring, edit/delete) is always in evolution...
and for the most part has improved over time.
then a BRAND NEW DILEMMA appears and the cooks cook up something new...
most of the mods 'are humans 2' and occasionally do goofy things...
there flame someone or whack a post or yell "stop it" at the wrong time...
again they all powwow and eventually fix whatever the impulsive person did...
till next time.
2. why did my posts move?
occasionally someone posts a new thread or reply in the wrong sub section.
IF a mod/admin is on and sees it and acts, it may be relocated very quickly.
this should NOT alter where on the list of current posts it is, however.
IF you feel like your posts are being moved unfairly take your concern directly to andyR.
sure some mods might be able to help you, but they may also be the one responsible and ignore your concern.
worse they may offer you a halfarse reply. so IF you don't like the results/action, take it up a notch!
administrators have different access and 'powers' than moderators
so the more involved the issue is, or the greater YOUR concern, KICK IT UP a level...
some with power can/do abuse it but others seem to balance out this fact in life...
3. too much non a/s specific stuff here is not the intent of these forums...
perhaps but i've been on many other forums where the off topic area REALLY is way off...
polictics, current events, religion, near porn, and so on, and without much removed...
many here would actually LIKE an area like this.
it's really hard to know the 'intent' of these forums since they do continue to evolve (not the same as improve) and expand.
lastly i do enjoy some of your repair info, but i seldom read those threads.
because for the most part restoration and "10 ways to clean a wingnut"
are tooooooo far off topic for me and really a lot of the rehab threads are games too
Hi 2airishuman; Thank you for very direct explanation. It is well taken and understood. Thank you for taking the time to explain straight to the point. Regards, "Boatdoc"
10-26-2007, 02:39 PM
2004 30' Classic Slideout
, Missouri
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Posts: 10,475
The key is that if we relocate a post to get it into the correct forum, it absolutely does not affect its position on the portal page that shows the last 30 posts. I've seen my own posts that I have just done, be half way down the page on the portal within seconds of my post. There are sometimes just that many posts going on, all being transmitted to the server within seconds that can cause things to scroll that quickly.
As to moving a post to the sub forums. Yes we will do that if we see a post that is better suited to that locale. We do that to keep proper perspective so that folks who work on that level will see all the posts. For example I take care of the trailer forum and the subforums below that. If I catch a post that talks about a 2001 Safari and is in the general section of the trailer forum, I'll make a judgement as to whether that post's content is specifically a 2001 issue. If it is, I'll relocate it there. If not it stays in its original position.
Bottom line that new post still shows in the last 30 posts portal (as long as it lasts there), and it's still in the new post list. It just resides in an area more appropriate. The mods aren't perfect on this and obviously it's our opinon. Also we don't always see every post and so there may be some exceptions that you can pull out where we didn't catch that post.
Hope that explains it. We however will not remove a post unless we contact the poster. We sometimes make mistakes and accidently remove something when attempting to do something else. When it happens we again inform the poster. I can tell you I did that last week and I immediately informed the poster that I had screwed up and accidently removed his post.
Jack Canavera
AIR #56 S/OS#15
'04 Classic 30' S.O.,'03 GMC Savana 2500
10-26-2007, 02:44 PM
Rivet Master
2021 27' Globetrotter
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, Missouri
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I think you may be experiencing the same thing I have. I believe it's a bug in the forum software.
For example, this morning I responded to a post about an electrical connection for someone picking up a trailer.
I shut down the browser and did some work.
Later, when I connected to the forum, it was nowhere to be found. Not on the portal page and not under New Posts. The only way I could find it is if I did an advanced search looking for my forum name.
This has been happening for quite awhile for me.
BRN #20321 Air #4056
"Oooh - They have the Internet on computers now!" - Homer Simpson
10-26-2007, 02:56 PM
Rivet Master
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Denny, the thread didn't disappear but your authorship went away when I posted to the same thread 7-8 minutes later.
Moderators function out in the open on our side of the curtain. We try to maintain a policy of reporting minor actions in a mod thread. We might seek consensus from online mods or wait for more mods to log in if there are major actions being considered. We strive for consistent policies thru these methods and we will change directions if good judgement points that way.
10-26-2007, 03:03 PM
Rivet Master
1956 22' Safari
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, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by cosmotini
Later, when I connected to the forum, it was nowhere to be found. Not on the portal page and not under New Posts. The only way I could find it is if I did an advanced search looking for my forum name.
This has been happening for quite awhile for me.
Here's an explanation:
1) "Not on the portal page"...posts were placed to 30 other threads after your post.
2) "and not under New Posts"...if nobody posted a reply to your thread since you did, it would not be "new" to you - thus not show up as such. You were the last poster > you've read it > it's not new to you until somebody adds new info. Once you've looked at it, it's not "new" to you but maybe to someone else.
Suggestion: Try the "Today's Posts"...it'll show up if it's been within 24 hours - even if it has not received additional posts.
10-26-2007, 07:51 PM
Rivet Master
2005 19' Safari
1968 24' Tradewind
, Delaware
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Originally Posted by InsideOut
... To keep from missing out on anything, use the " New Posts" sort selection. It will show you ALL the threads that have been posted to since your last visit - whether it be an hour, two weeks, a month or year ago. Think of it as your customized portal page - this shows all the threads, not just the last 30 like the Portal Page.
The other thing I find helpful about using the "New Posts" sort tab is that it shows a little more about the posts that appear there. It shows the forum they are posted to in the right hand column. This makes it very easy to scan down the list and skip over the off-topic or subject matter that doesn't interest you at the moment...
Thanks for mentioning this, Shari. This is excellent advice, and it's something I have been doing since the beginning. I thought everyone knew about this, It immediately lets you know what the current topics are. I also set my browser so my recently visited links are colored bright red. This lets me know, at a glance, the treads I have recently visited, and makes it easier to pass by the ones that are of little interest.
2005 Bambi
1968 Trade Wind
2007 Ford F250 4x4 Crew
10-26-2007, 09:32 PM
Rivet Master
2021 27' Globetrotter
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, Missouri
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Posts: 1,109
Originally Posted by InsideOut
Here's an explanation:
1) "Not on the portal page"...posts were placed to 30 other threads after your post.
2) "and not under New Posts"...if nobody posted a reply to your thread since you did, it would not be "new" to you - thus not show up as such. You were the last poster > you've read it > it's not new to you until somebody adds new info. Once you've looked at it, it's not "new" to you but maybe to someone else.
Suggestion: Try the "Today's Posts"...it'll show up if it's been within 24 hours - even if it has not received additional posts.
This thread is a perfect example. It does not show up on the portal page or under new posts for me but it does show up in "Today's Posts".
It seems to me that if I respond to a thread and even if someone else responds after me, like Bob did on the other thread, I don't see it on the portal page or under new threads if I leave the forum and come back later.
BRN #20321 Air #4056
"Oooh - They have the Internet on computers now!" - Homer Simpson
10-26-2007, 11:52 PM
Rivet Master
2006 25' Safari FB SE
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, Minnesota
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Posts: 13,280
Originally Posted by boatdoc
I do not believe that I have made a single post that was out of the Forums perimeters, that would have basis for deletion of the post.
I would agree with you completely.
Originally Posted by InsideOut
Stay tuned though...there is another change in the wind that may effect the perception of 'slow portal churn' ~
Two weeks ago the final push started and this just happened tonight -- see http://www.airforums.com/forums/f161...ums-37219.html.
10-27-2007, 02:23 AM
Islay - 63 O.
1963 26' Overlander
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Posts: 581
Originally Posted by boatdoc
Those of you who cannot survive without it, should ask for separate page known as "Off Topic New Posts". This will permit you to have your kind of fun and the rest of us can enjoy things associated with Airstream. Thank you, "Boatdoc"
some do both...
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10-27-2007, 07:32 AM
2 Rivet Member
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, Florida
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Posts: 57
Now I've had a post removed. Gave some advice to someone, it worked and THEN the post was removed. MMmmm VERY INTERESTING
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