Originally Posted by Silver Goose
Not to steer away for the OP's question, you say you and your wife's phones are identical yet behave differently. The 1st question that comes to mind is, are they identical down to each app? For the most part there should be little or no interaction between individual apps unless there was a specific plan for one to interface with another. My suspicion is that your phone has an app either your wife's phone doesn't or you run something prior to running Facebook that she doesn't that somehow interacts with your Facebook app. You might take an inventory of what's on each phone to discover where a difference might be. Sometimes a good old fashioned reboot puts things straight. On occasion I have to do that on a Blackberry and it requires pulling the battery for a minute to get results.
I'm not sure how this is getting away for the OP's post since we're trying to solve picture loading issues with the mobile airforums app.
I didn't want to have to take the time to do the inventory of apps, but you're right, that should be the first step. Largely, our apps are the same but she has more which I would actually think to be likely to cause the problem.
Again, to demonstrate the larger scope of things, the facebook pic issue is experienced by many people. It, as well, is being blamed on the newest version of the app. Clearly, the airforums app is only going to be discussed here on the forums so our only way to share ideas is here. Apparently, though, based on my wife's and my situation, there is an interaction between the airforums app and some other aspect of the phone which its causing the issue, and maybe is relevant to solving the issue on they iphone, too. We'll see if I can figure anything out in the coming days.